Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A stochastic dome an elongated S and a 30 min trend

Some interesting stuff on the SPI chart (well IGMArkets equivalent) has shown up after the last few days of trading.

First up, note the price are marked on the chart with a red elipse and the corresponding pattern on the stochastics...

This is the combination of two phenomenons I have noted many times before... firstly, I refer to the price pattern as an elongated S and my observences are that these will retrace AT LEast 50%.

Secondly the ellipsed stochastic pattern i refer to as a "Stochastic dome... once the dome completes, invariably, the stochastics will move to the opposite extreme, or the same direction as the dome...

The final thing of interest i find here is the black marked Ellipses on the MACD . The bottom most and largest black ellips shows a great example of divergence on the MACD moving averages with higher lows being printed while price prints lower lows, Note how I have marked out what could well be the opposit signal occurring suggesting possible endo fo this trend soonish with higher highs printed on price and equal to lower highs printed on the MACD.

the 30 min time span is the highest (IE longest timespan) that recorded the divergence... Hrly and up do not show it. though 30, 15, 10 and 5 do.) This suggests to me that  this Upsurge MAY WELL BE just a bounce in a greater down trend, and I would dearly like to see a lower low printing on price with divergence showing up on the hrly n above time charts to really see the low of Tuesday as a bottom.

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